
Komar University’s Office of Quality Assurance Hosts Special Training for New Faculty Members

As part of its week-long faculty training program, the Office of Quality Assurance at Komar University of Science and Technology conducted a specialized training session tailored for new faculty members. This session aimed to provide valuable insights and skills that would enable educators to excel in their roles and contribute effectively to the university’s academic community.

To achieve this goal, Dr. Batoul Khoja, an educator and expert, delivered an engaging online session on “Inquiry-based Learning Practices.” This session emphasized the importance of encouraging students to explore, question, and critically analyze information, fostering a more active and independent learning approach. Dr. Khoja’s insights into inquiry-based teaching methods were invaluable in helping new faculty members develop effective classroom strategies.

Following Dr. Khoja’s presentation, Ms. Sena, a psychological counselor, conducted an online session titled “Understanding the Psychology of a University Student: A Brief Look at the Most Common Psychological Problems Students Face Today.” This session provided new faculty members with essential knowledge about the psychological challenges students often encounter during their academic journey.

Both sessions included interactive question-and-answer segments, allowing participants to seek clarification and engage in meaningful discussions.